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SBL Arnica Montana LM0/1 (20 gm)

SBL Arnica Montana LM 0/1 (20 gm)

Injuries, Bruises, Hairfall, Joint Pains, Mouth Ulcers, Bleeding & Boils


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Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:                   Drops

Common Name:  Leopard's Bane

Family:                 Compositae

It is a traumatic remedy par excellence. Trauma in all its varieties – mental or physical and their effects recent or remote are met with by Arnica. It affects BLOOD, causing putrid and septic conditions. BLOOD VESSELS are relaxed, causing ecchymosis, blue-black spots; with TENDENCY To HAEMORRHAGE; epistaxis etc and low-state fevers. It acts upon nerves causing neuralgia. Affects the venous system inducing stasis. Echymosis and hæmorrhages. Relaxed blood vessels, black and blue spots. Tendency to tissue degeneration, septic conditions, abscesses that do not mature. Rheumatism of muscular and tendinous tissue, especially of back and shoulders. Aversion to tobacco. Neuralgias originating in disturbances of pneumo-gastric. Muscles feel VERY SORE, PAINFUL, BRUISED; all over. Parts become sore, after the pains, or after bleeding. It is a prophylactic for pus formation. Burrowing pus. Arnica has absorbent action. Progressive emaciation. Great prostration; tired feeling. Discharges are FOUL; breath, taste, flatus, stools etc. Crushing pain. BED FEELS HARD or full of lumps. Involuntary evacuations. Abscesses that do not mature. Pains of Arnica are paralytic; sudden, shifting pains from joint to joint. Arnica acts best in plethoric, dark, haired persons of rigid muscles, nervous sanguine nature. Arnica is disposed to cerebral congestion.A muscular tonic. Traumatism of grief, remorse or sudden realization of financial loss. It acts but feebly on persons who are positively debilitated, with impoverished blood and soft flesh. Compound fractures. Twitching, in tendons, muscles. Osteomyelitis. Ill effects of fright, financial loss, anger, repentance; excessive use of any organ, vaginitis in females and impotence in males from excessive sexual indulgence. Exertion of any kind. Mind and uterine symptoms alternate. Complaints when over hurried. Apoplexy. Typhoid, septic fevers. Recurring boils. Surgical operations. Insect stings. Splinters. Thrombosis.

Abscess. Apoplexy. Back, pains in. Baldness. Bed-sores. Black-eye. Boils. Brain, affections of. Breath, fetid. Bronchitis. Bruises. Carbuncle. Chest, affections of. Chorea. Corns. Cramp. Diabetes. Diarrhoea. Dysentery. Ecchymosis. Excoriations. Exhaustion. Eyes, affections of. Feet, sore. Haematemesis. Haematuria. Headache. Heart, affections of. Impotence. Labour. Lumbago. Meningitis. Mental alienation. Miscarriage. Nipples, sore. Nose, affections of. Paralysis. Pelvic haematocele. Pleurodynia. Purpura. Pyaemia. Rheumatism. Splenalgia. Sprain. Stings. Suppuration. Taste, disorders of. Thirst. Traumatic fever. Tumours. Voice, affections of. Whooping-cough. Wounds. Yawning. Injuries. Haemorrhages. Typhoid.

As Prescribed by the Physician.

  • Sore, lame, bruised feeling all through the body as if beaten
  • For bad effects resulting from mechanical injuries, even if recieved years ago.
  • After injuries with blunt instruments.
  • Compound fractures and their profuse suppuration
  • Oversensitive to pain
  • Everything on which he lies seems too hard, complaints constantly of it and keep moving from place to place in search of a soft spot.
  • Heat on upper part of the body & coldness on lower
  • Face or head and face alone is hot, the body cool.
  • Tendency to small painful boils one after another
  • Stupor with involuntry discharge of faeces & urine
  • Any complaints that occur after falls are related with Arnica and hence used as a first aid in complaints of Injuries
  • Stops the bleeding and useful where bleeding occurs after injuries, after delivery of baby, to check the bleeding.
  • Miliary eruptions with redness and small boils which are hot and tender. Black and blue spots on the body.
  • Concussion & contusions result of shock or injury without laceration of soft parts without laceration of soft parts, prevents suppuration and septic conditions and promotes absorption
  • Meningitis after mechanical or traumatic injuries, from falls concussion of brain.
  • Hydrocephalus deathly coldness in forearm of chidren
  • Conjuctival or retinal haemorrhage with extravasation from injuries or cough.
  • Gout and rheumatism with great fear of being touched or struck by persons commin near him
  • Retension or uncontinence of urine after labour.
  • Soreness of gums after teeth extraction 
  • Scalp feels contracted. Cold spot on forehead.


  • Worse: least touch; motion; rest; wine; damp cold. shock; jarring; after labour; over-exertion; sprains. After sleep. Old age. Alcohol. Coal gas. Lying on left side.
  • Better: lying down, or with head.

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